Thursday, January 3, 2019



    I thought about titling this Blog entry "out of the closet" but because the gay connotations it might confuse things, I decided to go with the  'The Big Reveal' instead. This is my second blog entry and while I promised one every week or so, it's more like a month. Still I'll try to be more regular from here on out.

     The subject of this blog will be big news to me, not necessarily that big to others. but it will answer some questions for the future.

     I've been writing for a long time. In fiction I've written science fiction, fantasy, horror, epic sword and sorcery, crime and mysteries.- nearly 200 short stories, novellas and short novels.

      I'd never read much in the field of romance or general mainstream fiction. In  about 2010 I discovered a web site titled Literotica and discovered stories about sex and relationships.
It's a porno site but it also contained a number of actual STORIES about women and men tearing each other up.

     I was drawn to this and starting writing a few of my own. I started writing a long story about an epic divorce and the impact it had on the two people involved, their family and the people around them - When We Were Married. 

     At about the same time I discovered the existence of e-novels,  and outfits like Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes and Noble  and started thinking about publishing on these venues. After I started, I ran into a problem and it kept getting in my way.

     When I wrote  science fiction, or fantasies or mysteries, I knew what I was writing. When I started writing as DQS I had to try to explain to readers what I was doing. My stories had elements of romance, but they weren't romance. They had sex but they weren't porn. I finally had to describe them generically as 'love stories' which is a crappy description.'

     THE BIG REVEAL: What I write are STORIES OF THE WORLD, SEX, LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF MEN. Most everything I've written as DQS follows this framework.  I like to think I've written some strong female characters, but they aren't the main focus of the books and stories: with a few exceptions

     If you look below the two blog entries you'll see a list of my novels which will give you an idea of what I do.

     Whew! I feel better getting that off my chest!

     Since this  is the first blog of a new year, this is a good time to bring you up to date on current and future plans.

    '˜The 'Currency of Time' which has already been published in a limited form is finished and has an ending. It just needs a 'little' proofing before being published.  (little = a week or so) Unless I throw in a short story or two which will take a little longer.'

 There are two novel/anthologies coming next:

          'A Good Day' a comic book super hero/sf with a few super hero stories thrown in


          'The Winter Road' a fantasy novella with a few fantasy stories thrown in.

      About 95 percent of everything in these is already written, which is why I'm going to try to move these out next;

      I'm finishing two related novels, 'There Are No Beta Males, Only Losers' and 'Lady Or The Shark'  I love these because they have SHARKS: a first for me. I also like Lady Or The Shark' (LOS) because it takes a bite out of the Me2 movement. These have different plots and themes but they're closely related.  I'm guessing End of February: maybe.

     The next novels I'll publish 'because they're already written and have been scanned in pieces will be 'Hunter's Prey' and 'The Best Dead Detective Around' 

Detective was my homage to the great Mickey Spillane and 'Hunter' at 210,000 words was the longest thing I'd ever written until WWWM, it took me the longest to finish (18 years), and it is the favorite of all my books of any genre.

     Along the same lines, I'm republishing and re-packaging a previously released novel. 'Tis A Far, Far Better Thing' with  a new title, 'NoTime For Love', a new cover and a new description. 

I'm doing this because the title and cover were wrong for this book. Only the last 10 or 15,000 words related to sacrifice for love. The bulk of the book is about HOW men fall in love. Again, this will be very easy to turn around and re-release.

       The book I'll probably spend the most time on this year will be WWWM5, 'Stay, She Said.' This deals with a major change in William Maitlandâ's life and the re-introduction of one of the most important characters in the series.

     So, there's lot of stuff coming, but very little writing to do.

     On a few other matters: if anyone feels like logging onto my facebook DQS page and leaving 'likes',  that would be appreciated.  I've never much cared about Facebook at all, but people do keep track of your image on Facebook.

      I recently received an e-mail from a reader who noted with amazement 'you;re not even on Wikipedia!!'

     I don't know that it's possible to be MORE INVISIBLE! than that

     So if anyone wants to let people know I exist by leaving a 'like', I'd appreciate it.

     And if anyone would like to leave an entry on yours truly on Wikipedia 'making me a real person' I would not mind  making you a real person (sort of) by introducing you as a character in a future book or story. I've done it before and it worked out well.

     Last but not least. I've appreciated all the reviews I've gotten for my books. I'd like more. short or long, concise or a treatise, whether or not you like my work, please leave reviews.



  1. Hi DQS, I'm a big fan of your WWWM series and I am dying to find out when WWWM5 will be ready for purchase. Poor Bill has been hanging on by thread now for over a year. Thank you ...mike

  2. Alright, first off...
    Not even joking - not hearing a word from one of my favorite authors for so long genuinely worried the heck out of me!
    Secondly - yea, it's probably time to finally put WWWM5 to put and end the Maitland saga once and for all. I'm make sure that every single ones of your numerous readers on Literotica are notified about it, the minute it's drop!
    Finally, and this is one of my biggest, personal request from you... Remember the "Paul and Paula" story you've left on LIT all those years ago, which was a companion piece to WWWM?... How about finished it too... please? Seriously, I'm OBSESSED about it ever since I've read their part in the Maitland saga, and knowing how Donnally get out of this whole thing... oh man, that would be the best. Don't get me wrong: if you have no interest in revisit this tale, fine - as a reader, you don't own me anything, but the work you're willing to share... but never knowing how Paul will deal with Paula... it's truly unbearable! I can tell you one thing, too: if you drop the complete story on LIT, you will go from legend - which you are - to actual god around those parts! lol Ah well - in any case, overjoyed to hear from you, and hope the best to you and yours. Take care.

    1. You have said the rigth words. I hope Paul finds a way to trully hit paula where it hurts (not physically of course)

  3. Where can I find the complete WWWM saga? Love your stuff...

  4. Likewise. I can't stand not knowing how Paul dealt with Paula. ugh.

    1. I know, I just want Paul to show Paula her wrong missconception. One of the reasons of what she did to him is that Paul witholded part of himself to her.
