Daniel Quentin Steele (DQS) / William Edward Marden (WEM)
Hello to all the readers who have followed me since 2010 and those of you who have never heard of me.
I want to tell everyone who knows what I write that I have been a truly crappy example of a writer who responds to fans.
What you're reading now is I hope the first change in that pattern. I intend to put this blog out once a week. Sometimes, there will be bombshell developments, like the one above, other times just updates on what I'm working on, pieces that will probably always be fragments or pieces about what I like and don't like in the media.
I will also try to include from time to time my thoughts on writing and tips I think will help younger writers who haven't spent 40 years writing and selling almost everything, I don't think I'll have the answers to many questions because I honestly don't have many answers - I don't even have many questions.
As to the above: I really wanted to call it LOVE IS A BATTLEGROUND ( I LUV THAT SONG) but for obvious reasons and to avoid legal hassles I decided to go with WAR ZONE
Why is that important? Because it distills the essence of my writing since 2010. I visualize the world as a vast, teeming hive of men and women of all shapes and sizes, nationalities, culture, ages. I exclude lesbians, homosexuals and LGBT types. Not because they are unworthy of writing about, but they are not MY interest.
As to the vast majority of the heterosexual population, I see them as imprisoned on either side of barbed wire fences away from each other.Take away the symbolism and we are all imprisoned in our own heads. Some of us are lucky and gifted with looks or charm or fame and they make it over the fences easily.
For many of us, making it over to the side of love and sex and marriage and friendship and companionship is fraught with pain and embarrassment. The people we love betray us, we betray those who love us. There is divorce, adultery and death. No marriage is ever rock solid. No woman can be trusted, there is no woman who will never stray in the right circumstances. Women already know that about the men in their lives.
AND YET, the broken hearted continue to hope, to trust that one day... WE clutch the sharp barbed wire strands between our fingers, press the points into our flesh and watch the blood drip around us. WE do not let the barbed wire fall from our grip.
We re-marry again and again and the Millenials who are too smart to fall for all the traps that snared their parents and grandparents live together, and believe SOMEHOW that ending a 10 year relationship won't hurt every bit as much as a divorce blooded their parents. We date in person and on-line, praying that the Telecommunication God will be more merciful
than the God Jehovah, or Allah.
"LOVE IS A WAR ZONE" will be the cover of an upcoming anthology and probably my logo for Twitter and Facebook.
.I can't change my past. But I intend to change the future. In the past eight years Ive had 10 novels published on Amazon, Smashwords and Barnes and Noble. Which is not really a terrible track record, but for writers of e-books it's pretty pitiful. They're all listed below on this blog.
For starters, I have launched the Daniel Quentin Steele Blog. I'm going to post this regularly and I'm going to try to contact ALL my fans because it will be a lot easier to stay in touch with everybody through a Blog.
I can't use my website, because much as I love the graphics. it's been taken over/invaded by a similar website and most of the comments are about ads for narcotics, health foods and high priced tennis shoes, mostly in Russian. Apparently none of my old fans have ventured onto it for years.
('m in the process of trying to get all my books out as POD paperbacks and I'll notify you as this goes along, plus you can see it on the book purchase pages.
For the near future, "The Currency of Time" is finished and still in the editing process.
I've started on Book 5 of the WWWM series. I could actually, USE SOME HELP FROM READERS. The title will either be "Stay, She Said," or "She Said, Stay." They both say the same thing, but they feel very different. To me.
My shark story, "There Are No Beta Males, Only Losers" will be finished shortly to be followed as soon as possible by Part 2 -" The Lady or The Shark." This will be the most controversial story I've written, That will probably keep me very busy.
I hope those of you who have followed me will check out my new work, and those who are new will be me a chance.
PS. I love comments. Feel free to leave them on this blog whose address is above or send comments to danielqsteele1@aol.com.